Configuration ============= This is a reference for your blog's main configuration file. Any values that you add in there will be made available in your templates' context. .. option:: author Blog author. Defaults to `author`. .. option:: site_name Site name. Defaults to `Socrates site`. .. option:: posts_per_page Number of posts displayed per page. Used for pagination. Defaults to `10`. Setting this to `0` will display all posts on one page. .. option:: url Your site's URL. Defaults to ``. .. option:: date_format Python strftime formatted date format. Defaults to `%B %d, %Y`. .. option:: text_processor Which X to html processor to use; *markdown*, *textile*, *rst*, *html*, *extension*. Defaults to `markdown`. The 'extension' setting will decide on the processor to be used based on the post's file extension: * Markdown + .md + .markdown + .mkdn * reStructuredText + .rst * HTML + .html + .htm + .txt * Textile + .textile .. option:: templates 'django' or 'jinja2'. Defaults to `django`. .. option:: append_slash Whether a slash should be appended to post urls. Defaults to `true`. .. option:: url_include_day Whether to include the day with the month and year in the generated directories and urls. Defaults to `false`. .. option:: initial_header_level By default, the first heading in your document will be ``

``. Only available for reStructuredText posts. Defaults to `2`. .. option:: skip_archives If set to `true`, it won't bother generating archives. Defaults to `false`. .. option:: skip_categories If set to `true`, it won't bother generating categories. Defaults to `false`. .. option:: pygments Additional settings for the Pygments HTML Parser. It passes the arguments directly to the ``HtmlFormatter`` class when it's instanciated, so these settings include all of the available settings for ``HtmlFormatter`` sample: .. code-block:: yaml pygments: linenos: true noclasses: false style: 'pastie' .. option:: style The style option has many default built in styles for your code blocks. The ones that ship with Pygments are: ``monokai``, ``manni``, ``perldoc``, ``borland``, ``colorful``, ``default``, ``murphy``, ``vs``, ``trac``, ``tango``, ``fruity``, ``autumn``, ``bw``, ``emacs``, ``vim``, ``pastie``, ``friendly``, ``native`` .. option:: inline_css Whether or not you want pygments to output a ``pygments.css`` file in your build directory for css. If set to ``false`` it will output the file.