Usage ===== First, you need to create a new blog: .. code-block:: console $ socrates -i blog This will create a ``blog`` directory with a simple blog structure: .. code-block:: console blog posts layout index.html single.html category.html ... media style.css config.yaml The ``posts`` directory is where you will place your posts files. Anything prefixed with ``_`` or ``.`` will be ignored. ``layout`` is your basic theme or a template. ``config.yaml`` is a site-wide configuration file. Don't forget to update the about file with relevant information. You can also create a new blog in the current working directory:: $ socrates -i When you are ready to generate your site, you run: .. code-block:: console $ socrates -g blog Or, :: $ socrates -g for current directory. This will place all the generated files in ``blog/deploy``. You can then take that directory and upload it to your server.